Another January has arrived and with it plans for a new start, a pledge to eat healthier and finally lose weight — whether it be physical weight or, for some, the heavy weight and stress of an unhappy marriage. In Texas and around the country January is known as divorce month by many in the legal community. The reasons for this may be many but the belief that January marks a new beginning is thought to be a major contributing factor.
Making the decision to divorce is not easy and the social and economical ramifications are many. One of the biggest costs in a divorce, in addition to pain caused to the family, is financial. A protracted legal battle can cost thousands of dollars and make a significant dent in the assets a couple accumulated over the course of the marriage.
Divorce mediation is something that has gained in popularity in recent years as a means to achieving a fair settlement at considerably less cost than a court proceeding. A mediator will sit with the couple and their respective attorneys and negotiate a settlement. This can reduce the legal fees incurred by back and forth negotiations among attorneys. When divorce is carried out in court, the judge does not know the principals and is relying on the evidence presented in court to make a decision regarding such important issues as asset distribution, child support and custody.
A good family law attorney serves as an ally in a divorce negotiation in Texas. Working with a mediator provides a neutral third party who can listen to both sides and help keep the discussion on track and will help to resolve issues as they arise. The process can save money and also help a couple remain amicable, which is ultimately in everyone’s best interest.